Get to know our team. Introducing our Procurement Director, Scott Buckby.

Get to know our team at Harbur Park & Leisure Homes

Get to know our team at Harbur Park and Leisure Homes.

At Harbur Park and Leisure Homes, we know that excellence is achieved through more than simply the product. We take pride in our work; each one of us brings something special, professional, and experience, with individual personalities and a fun sense of humour. Whatever challenge the day-to-day brings, you can be sure that each of us supports one another in a respectful collaboration.

We introduce you to Scott Buckby our Procurement Director.

Q. Could you tell us a bit about your career path prior to becoming Procurement Director to Harbur Park and Leisure Homes? What brought you to your current position?

Scott. “I started my journey in the park home manufacturing industry on the factory floor 16 years ago. Subsequent to learning the trades I supported the procurement team in a junior buyer position. As opportunities arose, I progressed over the coming years developing a reliable reputation with suppliers.”

Q. What motivates you about your Role?

Scott. “Meeting the challenge of sourcing the best products available to allow the production team to create the home that our customers desire. Whilst maintaining a budget and our core values of sustainability to ensure the future success of the company.'“

Q. What advice would you share with others going into manufacturing or the industry?

Scott. “Work hard, persevere and good things will happen. It is challanging at times but watching the end results of our homes going out of the door is a very rewarding feeling.”

Q.  What have your biggest challenges been so far?

Scott. “Managing expectations and concerns of suppliers who need reassurance in dealing with a new company. Gratefully this has been eased to some degree by the relationships built in the past.”

Q. How important is company culture to you and what measures will you take to maintain your desired culture?

Scott. “Valuing all employees is in our DNA as a company. By investing in the wellbeing of every staff member, we show that their individual efforts are something to be proud of. We want all our employees to know their input is never taken for granted, and they can take pride in being part of our great team.”

Q. What lies ahead for Harbur Park and Leisure Homes?

Scott. “Harbur Park & Leisure homes has a bright future ahead. The work ethic from all departments is faultless and if this continues as I know it will, we will be an outstanding Park Home and Holiday Lodge Manufacturer and recognised for our excellence and quality of builds. In the short time scale we have produced some exceptional homes and we have recieved very positive feed back from Parks and end customers alike. The future looks Amazing!”

Q. What does Scott get up to when he isn’t working?

Scott. “Enjoying a quick "hour" of fly-fishing helps to relax me after a busy week, enjoying the sounds of nature by the water. Spending time with my family, walking the dog and holidays in Wales with limited internet access. And the occasional glass of red wine!”

Any last comments?

Scott. “We have had incredible positive and rewarding feedback from our customers – It’s a tremendous source of motivation for us - despite all the challenges posed by a particular manufacturer that's gone so far as to contact suppliers and representatives in the sector to sever ties with us. We are only a small company and can only take this as a compliment as these challenges only strengthen us and lead us towards greater heights for the future.”


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